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Nedgroup Investments Stable Fund


Overview of Nedgroup Stable Fund

The Nedgroup Stable fund is a relatively conservative fund which is managed by Dave Foord from Foord Asset Management. The fund is a low equity, multi asset domestic fund, although it does invest in foreign assets (up to 25%).

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for investors who...

  • Are saving for retirement
  • Are looking for capital protection (in real terms), rather than trying to maximise capital appreciation.
  • Are not requiring complex asset allocation decision making.


Inflation + 4% per annum over rolling three year periods.

Strategy of Nedgroup Investments Stable Fund

The Nedgroup Stable Fund is diversified across a range of assets, including equity, bonds, property and cash. The Nedgroup Investments Stable Fund is compliant with the prudential guidelines which govern pension funds.

Fund Manager

Dave Foord

Dave Foord

Other funds from Nedgroup Investments

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