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Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund


Overview of Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund

The Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund is suitable for investors requiring moderate capital growth and aims to provide low cost exposure to a range of local and international asset classes. Diversification across all asset classes helps to reduce risk and volatility relative to a general equity portfolio. The portfolio complies with Regulation 28 of the South African Pension Funds Act.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for investors who...

  • Want safe, long-term capital growth.
  • Want a fund that complies with the regulations of retirement funds.
  • Have an investment horizon of three or more years.


Inflation +5% pa over rolling 5 year periods

Strategy of Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund

The Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund tracks a custom benchmark which consists of a range of local and global asset classes. The local asset classes follow tailored indices to provide prudent, balanced and low cost exposure to their respective investment universes. Global indices are tracked via a number of Global Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The portfolio's asset allocation is rebalanced periodically when weightings fall outside the target range.

Fund Manager

Taquanta Asset Managers

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