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Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund

Code: NGOB

Overview of Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund

The Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund seeks to offer investors medium- to long-term income and capital growth by actively investing in a mix of local and offshore assets. The investment manager may invest in a combination of local and offshore equities, bonds, property and cash. A maximum of 60% of the portfolio's assets may be invested in equities at all times. The unit trust portfolio complies with Regulation 28 of the South African Pension Funds Act.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for investors who...

The Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund is suitable for investors requiring moderate capital growth and who do not wish to make complex asset allocation decisions between equity, cash and bonds, both locally and offshore.



Strategy of Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund


Fund Manager

Abax Investments (Pty) Ltd

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