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Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Feeder Fund

Code: AHGV

Overview of Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Feeder Fund

The Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Feeder Fund is a global equity unit trust portfolio that seeks to provide investors with long-term capital growth through active stock selection in offshore equity markets over the medium to long term. It is managed by Veritas Asset Management. The portfolio will be subject to currency volatility owing to its foreign asset exposure. The Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Feeder Fund is rand-denominated, which provides investors who may have used their offshore allowance an opportunity to obtain additional exposure to global markets.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for investors who...

  • are seeking exposure to global equity markets, particularly in financial markets
  • have a primary goal of capital appreciation
  • have a high tolerance for short-term market fluctuations, as part of a strategy to achieve long-term objectives.


Unit Trust Mean (Foreign Equity sector)

Strategy of Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Feeder Fund

A minimum of 85% of the portfolio's assets will be invested offshore, with a minimum of 75% in equities at all times.

Fund Manager

Veritas Asset Management

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