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Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund


Overview of Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund

The Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund aims to provide steady growth of capital by passively replicating a broad and fairly stable combination of securities, including equity, bond, money market, property or derivative instruments, both locally and abroad.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for investors who...

Conservative in investors requiring a reasonable level of capital protection


Inflation +3% pa over rolling 3 year periods

Strategy of Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund

The Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund has a low exposure to equity markets relative to the average prudential portfolio and aims to provide low cost exposure to a range of local and global asset classes. The portfolio complies with Regulation 28 of the South African Pension Funds Act.

Fund Manager

Taquanta Asset Managers

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