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PSG Flexible Fund

Code: PSGO


The PSG Flexible Fund's objective is to achieve capital growth in the medium to long term by investing in selected sectors of the equity, gilt, and money markets, locally and abroad. The fund has a flexible asset allocation mandate, and equity exposure will vary based on opportunities identified by the fund managers.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for Investors who:

  • Want exposure to the equity market, but with a managed risk approach.
  • Aim to build long-term wealth.
  • Are willing to accept potential capital loss.
  • Have an investment horizon of 5-10-years.


South African Inflation + 6%


The PSG Flexible Fund can invest up to 100% in equities, of which up to 45% can be invested in foreign assets and may include listed and unlisted financial instruments (derivatives) in its portfolio. The selected sectors of the portfolio's equity portion will change from time to time under changing market conditions and economic trends.

Fund Manager

Shaun Le Roux

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