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Ninety One Global Franchise Feeder Fund

Code: FGFA

Overview of Ninety One Global Franchise Feeder Fund

The Ninety One Global Franchise Feeder Fund aims to grow capital and income over the long term and is a concentrated portfolio of 25-40* stocks. The fund's objective is to outperform the MSCI AC World NR

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for investors who...

Have a long term investment horizon with a high risk tolerance


MSCI AC World NR (MSCI World NR pre 1/10/11)

Strategy of Ninety One Global Franchise Feeder Fund

It is unrestricted in its choice of companies either by size or industry or in terms of geographical makeup of the portfolio. The underlying fund focuses investment on companies deemed to be of high quality, typically those associated with global brands or franchises.

Fund Manager

Clyde Rossouw

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