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Ninety One Diversified Income Fund


Overview of Ninety One Diversified Income Fund

An actively managed, well diversified fixed income portfolio with multiple sources of return. A global approach to fixed interest investing, capturing opportunities that South African and global fixed interest markets offer.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for investors who...

  • Are moderately conservative, wanting an actively managed, fixed income portfolio
  • Want to add a great blend to an existing fixed income portfolio
  • Want a portfolio that has multiple sources of return


STeFI (Short Term Fixed Interest) Composite (FTSE/ JSE ALBI 1-3 pre 01/07/2011)

Strategy of Ninety One Diversified Income Fund

The Ninety One Diversified Income Fund universe includes international fixed income assets (corporate and emerging market debt, currencies) as well as South African cash, bonds and listed property. The Ninety One Diversified Income Fund takes advantage of global fixed interest markets; its offshore exposure (although limited to 25%) provides excellent diversification properties.

Fund Managers

Malcolm Charles

Malcolm Charles

Peter Kent

Other funds from Ninety One

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