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Allan Gray Money Market Fund

Code: AGMF


The Allan Gray Money Market Fund invests in South African money market instruments with a term shorter than 13 months. Issuers of These instruments include governments, parastatals, corporates, and banks. The Fund is Regulation 28 compliant. While capital losses are unlikely, they can occur if, for example, one of the issuers of an instrument held by the Fund defaults. Incurred losses affect the Fund and its investors in this instance.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for Investors Who:

  • Seek an interest based return
  • Require monthly income distributions
  • Are highly risk-averse but seek returns higher than bank deposits
  • Need a short-term investment account


Alexander Forbes Short Term Fixed Interest (STeFI) Composite Index


The Allan Gray Money Market Fund invests in selected money market instruments that provide an income yield and a high degree of capital stability. The Fund managers formulate an interest rate outlook, influenced by the view on inflation and the resulting Reserve Bank policy response expectations. Within the Fund, assets are typically held to maturity. The Fund has a conservative approach to credit risk.

Fund Manager

Thalia Petousis

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