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Prescient Income Provider Fund

Code: PIPF


The Prescient Income Provider Fund aims to return inflation + 3% per annum while providing stability by aiming never to lose capital over any rolling 3-month period. The fund primarily invests in local and international bonds and cash with minor inclusion of other asset classes.

Fund performance

Source: Profile Data


Suitable for Investors Who:

  • Want to maximize income with exposure to South African Money and Bond markets.
  • Want a Regulation 28 compliant fund.
  • Have a conservative risk profile.
  • Have an investment horizon of 1-3-years.


SteFi Call 110%


The Prescient Income Provider Fund invests in the local and offshore money market, bonds, property, preference shares, inflation-linked bonds, and derivatives to meet the investment objectives. The fund aims to generate performance by taking interest rate views or duration, yield enhancement via credit instruments, asset allocation between income-producing asset classes, offshore exposure and the use of derivatives.

Fund Managers

Guy Toms

Henk Kotze

Jabulani Ngobese

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